Thursday, 30 July 2020

6 Reasons Why Video and Audio Content Are Trending Among the Blogging Community

The post 6 Reasons Why Video and Audio Content Are Trending Among the Blogging Community appeared first on HostGator Blog.

It’s hard to argue the value of high-quality, written blog content. Text blog content engages readers, helps establish you as an industry leader, and boosts your website in the search results.

However, the written word is not an island in the blogging world. Recent trends show that more and more bloggers are taking advantage of other dominant content types, namely, video and audio content.

Here are some of the reasons why video and audio content are trending in the blogging community, and why it’s time to look into expanding your content strategy.

Creating a blog

1. Video and audio content is easier to create

Writing a 1000+ word blog post can feel like pulling teeth, especially if writing isn’t your passion.

Creating a video or audio track, on the other hand, is as easy as pulling out your smartphone and pressing “record.”  

Not to mention, with several smart WordPress blogging plugins, it’s easier now more than ever to post your video or audio content on your blog without any hassle.

Here are some stellar video embed WordPress plugins you can check out:

And, here are the top WordPress audio players and podcasting plugins:

2. Video and audio content engage your audience for longer

Guess what the average time a visitor spends reading a blog post? Thirty-seven seconds, according to NewsCred.

While 77% of internet users regularly read blog posts, readers consume text as quickly as possible.

Stats show the opposite for video content. Users spend 88% more time on a site that contains videos, and videos that are up to 2 minutes get the most significant engagement.

But, time spent watching videos on blog posts and websites is not the only metric for engagement success. 

Research also shows that sites with videos receive more social shares than sites with only text and video. In fact, video content generates 1200% more shares than images and text combined.

The more people share your content, the higher your chances of bringing in new readers and blog subscribers — and even more people to share your content!

What about audio content? 

Can audio content boost time on site? According to Edison Research, most podcast listeners listen to content via a mobile device, but not all. As of 2018, 29% of podcast listeners still consumed audio content via their computers.

chart showing podcast listening trends by device

Even if your audience is listening via Apple Podcasts or Stitcher, there is still a case for including audio content directly in your blog posts. According to Optinmonster, audio content in blog posts also helped 45% of bloggers achieve better results.

3. Video and audio content increase inbound linking opportunities

Stats show that blog posts that incorporate video attract 3x as many inbound links as posts without video. Backlinks are very important for SEO.

Additionally, Search Engine Land touts creating audio content as a “brilliant way to build backlinks” and referral traffic to your website.

Why should bloggers even care about inbound links?

Inbound links show search engines that your blog content is relevant, trustworthy, and credible enough that other authoritative blogs want to link to your content. That’s one of the most powerful Google ranking factors.

While we are talking about inbound linking opportunities for your blog, it’s worth mentioning that posts with videos, images, and lists will attract nearly six times more inbound links than a blog post with only plain text. And, it can’t hurt to add the audio version of your content into the mix.

Ready to boost your blog video views? Read this to learn how to optimize your videos for SEO

4. Video content increases sales opportunities

Here’s the deal. Every time my children watch Kid’s YouTube, they start asking me to keep certain toys in mind for their birthday. Every time. 

Before watching YouTuber videos, my kids had no idea they absolutely had to have the latest and greatest from Ryan’s Toy Review.

As much as the frugal part of myself would like to deny it, I’m guilty of this too. I can’t tell you how many products I’ve purchased after watching a video.

Unintentional mobile shopping after watching a video is not a trend in my family alone. Stats show that consumers are 64% more likely to purchase a product after watching a video about it. 

Additionally, video content boosts buyer’s confidence. Fifty-seven percent of consumers say watching a product video makes them more confident in buying it online.

5. Video content is preferred and more memorable

Audience preference is another one of the reasons there has been a shift from text to video and recently.

Seventy-two percent of readers on the internet would rather watch videos than read text if given both options. This goes for product videos as well, considering four times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than to read about it, according to Animoto.

internet readers prefer video content to text

And, it makes sense why. Video content is more vibrant and memorable than text. Stats show that people that watch videos retain 95% of the message as compared to 10% of people reading a text. 

6. Video and audio content is accessible 

As audiences become more accommodating to people of all abilities, accessibility of content remains at the top of the mind. 

Plugins like WP Accessibility, WP Accessibility Helper, and EsAudioPlayer are being utilized more, making it possible for a broader audience to consume your valuable blog content, whether it’s text, video, or audio. These plugins make it possible to easily add closed captions to your videos.

Wrap Up

Text blog posts will always remain a valuable part of your blogging strategy, but there is a reason why bloggers are incorporating more video and audio.

It’s easier to create video and audio content, and these types of content will enhance your blog posts. You also have more opportunities to connect with your audience in various and meaningful ways when you offer more ways to digest content.

If you’re looking to start or revamp your blog, check out HostGator’s managed WordPress hosting today.

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