Friday, 31 July 2020

What to Know Before You Upgrade PHP on Your Website

The post What to Know Before You Upgrade PHP on Your Website appeared first on HostGator Blog.

This article is part of HostGator’s Web Pros Series. In this series, we feature articles from our team of experts here at HostGator. Our Product Managers, Linux Administrators, Marketers, and Tech Support engineers share their best tips for getting the most out of your website.

PHP released a new version recently, and you may be wondering if you should upgrade your website now. In fact, you may have questions about how to upgrade and even why it matters. 

Before you make any changes to your site, check out our answers to the most common questions we get about PHP upgrades. You’ll find the info you need to help you decide whether you should upgrade, how to upgrade safely and why it’s important.

What exactly is PHP?

PHP is a hypertext processor that’s used with HTML to create scripts for websites. When you visit a website, your browser sends the site a request, and PHP scripts compile the HTML packets to send them back to the browser. 

PHP is used by 79% of websites whose server-side language is identified. It’s also one of the best maintained languages, because new updates and new features are constantly being pushed out. Version changes happen about once every year. That brings up the question, what do you need to do to ensure that the new updates are right for your website?

How do I know which version of PHP my site is or should be running?

If you’re a HostGator customer, you’ll find a MultiPHP Manager tool in your cPanel. This allows you to see what versions of PHP you can use. 

cPanel MultiPHP Manager Plugin

You can also create a phpinfo file in your site’s file manager and use that to display your version of PHP. For example, let’s say you name your file phpinfo.php. Then you can go to your website and enter /phpinfo.php at the end of your site’s URL, and it will show you what version of PHP you have. 

Do I really need to keep my site’s PHP upgraded?

Upgrading and maintaining a current version of PHP is important for the security of your website. With each new PHP version, there are new security features that get implemented. At the same time, older PHP versions that have reached their “end of life” get no updates for security or any other features. 

So, if a new vulnerability pops up that affects any of those old versions of PHP that aren’t supported anymore, that vulnerability won’t get patched. That leaves your website open to potential attacks.

Will upgrading PHP cause something to break on my website?

It might, unless you do your research and planning before you upgrade. Here’s why. 

Whenever there’s a new version of PHP, old features get what we call deprecated. That means those old features are no longer supported and they’re getting phased out of future versions entirely. So, it seems like upgrading whenever a new version comes out would be the logical thing to do.

However, if your site runs on WordPress, your version of WordPress has its own requirements for the version of PHP it can work with. And every WordPress plugin you have installed on your site has its own PHP requirements, as well. WordPress and its plugins are typically coded to work with specific versions of PHP, so you need to make sure that your plugins and WordPress are developed for the same versions. 

You might update WordPress and your plugins but not PHP, and then discover that you need a newer version of PHP. Or you might upgrade to a new version of PHP and discover that it’s too new if you haven’t upgraded your version of WordPress and your plugins in a while. 

If there’s a mismatch between the version of PHP you’re running and the version your WordPress and plugins are written to work with, you’ll get deprecation errors saying that piece of code is no longer supported or has been removed in the version of PHP you’re using.

What’s the best way to upgrade PHP?

First, before you make any software changes on your website, it’s wise to make a backup of the current version. That’s the most important thing you can do to ensure you have something to fall back on in case your updates break something on your site. 

Keep in mind that it’s easy to roll back to an earlier version of PHP, but it’s not always easy to roll back software updates. It’s important to do your research beforehand and make sure you have your site backup before you begin.

Before you upgrade PHP, always start by reviewing your version of WordPress and your plugins. That’s a best practice mostly because software developers tend to code for longevity, and they want to make sure that their code is compatible with multiple versions of PHP. You need to know which versions those are.

It’s also a good practice to check the documentation for WordPress and the plugins you’re using to ensure that your system meets the requirements of the PHP version that you want to install.

After you’ve checked to make sure the upgrades you’re planning are compatible, upgrade the WordPress and plugin software first and then check for problems. If everything works, then you can upgrade PHP and check your site again. If that upgrade breaks something on your site, you can roll back to your previous version of PHP.

What version of PHP does HostGator support? 

HostGator offers PHP 5.4 through PHP 7.4 on its shared hosting platforms.

Why doesn’t HostGator offer the most current version of PHP that’s compatible with WordPress?

Currently, HostGator does offer the latest version of PHP, however, when new versions of PHP are released there are several reasons why the newest version wouldn’t be immediately available. HostGator’s shared platform is a highly customized environment. At the time of writing, PHP 7.4 is the newest version of PHP that WordPress supports (see current requirements here). And while that version is technically compatible through cPanel on WHM, it requires a newer version of cPanel that could potentially interfere with some of the customized tools that we have on the shared platform. 

We want to make sure that all the changes in newer versions of cPanel get tested before we roll them out, to ensure that there are no major issues for our customers’ sites when we make those cPanel updates. 

Where can I get help with my PHP upgrade?

If you’re having trouble figuring out which version of PHP will work with your version of WordPress, or if you upgraded and then found a problem with your site, there are ways you can get help. 

Because WordPress has built-in error logging, you have access to a record of problems that might come up as you work on your site. The error_log file in your WordPress installation directory will typically show you any PHP errors that are being generated. You may be able to use that information to solve the problem yourself, or you can share it with HostGator’s support team for guidance.

Usually the most common errors that result from upgrading PHP are caused by jumping too far forward. So, if you upgrade to one of the newer versions and start seeing that some of your site features are deprecated, the first step is to roll back to an older version of PHP. 

You can also get in touch with our support team via live chat or phone at 866-96-GATOR to help get your site working the way it should be. With compatible versions of PHP, WordPress and plugins for your site, you’ll get optimal functionality and security.

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5 Smart WordPress Tools for Modern Bloggers on the Go

The post 5 Smart WordPress Tools for Modern Bloggers on the Go appeared first on HostGator Blog.

Blogging is the worst, right? You have to sit down at your computer for hours, figure out how WordPress works, and clack away at the keyboard until your wrists hurt.

Whoa! Wait a minute. If this is your experience with blogging in the year 2020, then you’re doing it wrong.

WordPress has come a long way over the years in terms of updates. Today, creating a blog post is as easy as talking. And, talk-to-text via the WordPress mobile app is not the only smart WordPress tool.

With the help of the sophisticated, yet uncomplicated, WordPress interface and other neat WordPress plugins, you can add rich media to your blog posts with the click of a button, or two. Let’s talk about how this all works.

This post will cover:

  • How to use talk-to-text in the WordPress mobile app
  • How to use the native functionality in WordPress to upload videos
  • The most common WordPress plugins for bloggers

Let’s get this party started!

best WordPress hosting

How to use talk-to-text in the WordPress app

One of the best things about WordPress is the ability to compose blog posts on the go using your phone. And, you don’t even have to type one word. You can use the talk-to-text mobile app feature to capture everything you want to say without writing one word.

Here’s how to use the talk-to-text feature in the WordPress app.

1. Download the WordPress app. If you don’t already have the WordPress app on your phone, you’ll need to download it to your iOS or Android device.

2. Login to your account. Once you’ve downloaded the app, use the same login credentials to access your account as you would use on your computer.

3. Click the pink icon. Navigate to the home page and click on the pink “create a post or page” icon at the bottom right of the screen.

how to create a new post in wordpress mobile app

4. Select blog post. The WordPress app will give you the option to create a blog post or create a page. Choose blog post.

create new blog post in wordpress mobile app

5. Press the microphone. At the bottom right of the screen, you will notice a little microphone. Click this microphone and start talking. Remember to dictate punctuation in your blog posts.

use microphone talk-to-text feature in wordpress mobile app

6. Talk. As soon as you press the button, WordPress will start recording your voice and translating what you say into text. If at any time you want to stop and type, you can press the keyboard button.

And, that’s it. That’s how you can create a blog post on the go by speaking instead of typing.

Keep in mind you can also add images and videos in the mobile app. Just remember to save your images and videos to your device for easy selection.

How to add videos to WordPress without a plugin

Bloggers are using audio and video content in their posts more than ever. Considering recent stats, it makes sense why video is so popular:

Internet users love blog content, and they want more of it. Thankfully, WordPress has made it easy for bloggers to add videos to blog posts without even needing to download a plugin. Here are the steps you need to take to upload a video right within WordPress.

1. Create a new blog post. Once you are in your WordPress account, direct your attention to the top navigation bar, click on the plus sign, and select “post” from the drop-down menu.

click plus sign to add new post in wordpress

2. Start writing. Once you are on the blog post page, you can start writing your content.

3. Create a video content blog. Once you are ready to insert your video, click on the little plus sign. It will appear to the right or the bottom of your text. 

click plus sign in WordPress to add video block

4. Search for video. As soon as you click the plus sign, a box will appear with various content options. Video doesn’t appear first, so to find it faster, I always quickly search “video” in the top bar.

add video block in WordPress gutenberg editor
video block in wordpress gutenberg editor

5. Select your file type. Once you select “video,” WordPress will offer three different upload options, including upload, media library, and insert from URL. If your video is on your desktop, choose “upload.” If you have already uploaded your video to your WordPress media library, press “media library.” If your video exists on the web (e.g., YouTube), then click on “insert from URL.”

upload video file to wordpress blog post

Once you follow the appropriate directions, WordPress will insert your video into the content, and give you the option to write a caption.

example of video upload in wordpress with ability to add caption

You can repeat this process anytime you need to insert a video into your content. You don’t need any fancy video plugins to add videos to WordPress.

If you want to add audio content to your blog (you do), then you can follow the exact same process, except you select “audio” as your content block, instead of video.

Top WordPress plugins for bloggers on the go

Now that you know how to dictate your blog posts on the go and how to add video and audio content to your WordPress blog posts, let’s talk about other WordPress blog plugins that will make your blogging life easier.

Here is a rundown of the WordPress plugins every blogger should add to their site.

1. Akismet

Let’s start this section out with a quick round of Jeopardy. 

I’ll take “Bloggers for $500, Alec.” 

“The least favorite thing bloggers come in contact with on their sites, and also a slice of questionable canned meat.”

“What is spam?”

Exactly! Cleaning spam out of your comments section is not only time-consuming, but it’s also annoying. 

Akismet is a WordPress plugin that scrolls through all of your comments and checks them for spam. Akismet uses a consistently growing database that removes any malicious, irrelevant, or inappropriate sales comments. And, Akismet does it BEFORE the comments get published on your site.

This plugin is essential for helping you save time and keeping your blog credible.

2. Jetpack

Jetpack is my personal second favorite WordPress plugin. It has robust functionality and keeps an eye on your account. 

Here are the benefits of Jetpack:

  • Site analytics. While it’s true you can (and should) add Google Analytics to your website, Jetpack also does the hard tracking work. Jetpack will tell you how many site visitors you have, and this great analytics information shows up right in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Downtime monitor. Jetpack will send you an email notification every time your site goes down. I cannot tell you how many times this feature has saved my blogging bacon. It will also tell you when your site goes back up.
  • Site speed. Another Jetpack benefit is enhanced site speed. With Jetpack, you can upload high-resolution photos and can count on Jetpack to deliver them to your website visitors at high resolutions with super-fast speeds.
  • Content back up. Jetpack also provides an automatic daily content backup and 30-day archive. This feature puts your mind at ease when it comes to making large website changes.
  • Spam filter and login protection. Akismet is not the only plugin that filters out spam. Jetpack also provides spam filtering as well as login protection.

Jetpack offers a free plan that is great for beginners and three other paid plans for bloggers that are interested in more features.

3. Yoast

If Jetpack is my second favorite WordPress plugin, guess what my first favorite is? That’s right! Yoast.

As you know, growing a successful blog takes more than just excellent writing skills. It also involves learning how to structure and optimize your content in a way that helps search engines read and rank your content.

Yoast is a WordPress SEO plugin that walks you through most of the steps you need to take to properly optimize your content for Google.

Once you download the Yoast SEO plugin, you’ll notice some additional information on the bottom of your new blog posts with the heading “Yoast SEO.”

yoast seo plugin

You’ll also see three tabs at the top, including SEO, readability, and social. Let’s talk about how each of these works.


The SEO tab prompts you to enter a keyword and write a snippet (meta description) where you include your target keyword. Yoast will also provide you with a quick SEO analysis to see what changes you need to make in your content to make your blog post more search engine friendly. 

Some SEO suggestions will include:

  • Inserting outbound links (links to credible websites that aren’t your own)
  • Adding internal links (adding links to other pages on your website)
  • Placing your keyword in your introduction
  • Keeping your meta description within a certain word length
  • Adding more text if your post is too short
  • And more!

You’ll also notice some premium Yoast features like adding related keyword phrases.


The next tab is the readability tab. This tab provides a quick analysis of your text and offers suggestions on what you can do to make your post easier to read. 

Here are some things you can expect in the readability analysis:

  • Use of transition words
  • Flesch Reading Ease score
  • Passive voice
  • Variety in sentences
  • Subheading distribution
  • Paragraph length
  • And more!

Google is more likely to rank your content in the search results if it’s easy to read. If you don’t have Yoast, you can use the Hemingway App to check your readability.


The last heading in Yoast is the social heading. This section helps you optimize your blog post for social shares. 

You can include a title, a description, and an image that will appear on Facebook and Twitter when people share your post.

When your social share information matches the platform in question, your content is more likely to get shared.

4. Sumo

Sumo for WordPress is another Simply Can’t Live Without It WordPress Tool if you are looking to build an email list.

Sumo’s free tool is fairly comprehensive and provides the following lead capture tools:

  • Email opt-in forms
  • Fully customizable design
  • Social media sharing
  • Visitor targeting
  • Unlimited subscribers
  • 10,000 emails per month
  • Email integrations
  • Analytics
  • 1-on-1 onboarding
  • And several eCommerce tools

If email marketing is your main jam, you can opt for the paid pro plan. This plan includes everything in the free plan plus advanced visitor targeting, A/B testing, ability to remove Sumo branding, 50,000 emails per month, eCommerce design templates, and unlimited stats.

Remember, email marketing has the highest ROI out of any other digital marketing strategy. Some studies show an email marketing ROI of 4400% or $44 for every $1 spent. The more email subscribers you capture, the higher your chances of a stunning ROI will be.

Not only is Sumo a great lead capture tool, but it also helps with social shares. In your Sumo account, you can add a social share bar to your website for free. 

Here’s how:

  • Login to your Sumo account and click on “extras” on the top navigation bar.
  • Select “share” from the drop-down menu.
  • You’ll see a navigation bar including clicks, settings, layout, and more.
  • Start by clicking on “settings.”
  • From here, you can choose which social platforms you want to include in your share bar.
  • Continue through the navigational bar menu until you have fully customized your share bar.
  • When you are done with each section, remember to press “save.”

Once you are done telling Sumo what you want it to do, go to your WordPress website and refresh the page. You will see a share bar in the place where you indicated you wanted Sumo to add social share buttons.

Blogging Can Be Easier on WordPress

Blogging is constantly evolving. Every day, there are better platforms, tools, and plugins that make blogging easier. 

With all of the current tools on the market, there is no reason to remain loyal to a web hosting platform that is stuck in the dark ages. 

Check out WordPress hosting from HostGator where you get free migrations, advanced security, 2.5x the speed, and more.

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Thursday, 30 July 2020

6 Reasons Why Video and Audio Content Are Trending Among the Blogging Community

The post 6 Reasons Why Video and Audio Content Are Trending Among the Blogging Community appeared first on HostGator Blog.

It’s hard to argue the value of high-quality, written blog content. Text blog content engages readers, helps establish you as an industry leader, and boosts your website in the search results.

However, the written word is not an island in the blogging world. Recent trends show that more and more bloggers are taking advantage of other dominant content types, namely, video and audio content.

Here are some of the reasons why video and audio content are trending in the blogging community, and why it’s time to look into expanding your content strategy.

Creating a blog

1. Video and audio content is easier to create

Writing a 1000+ word blog post can feel like pulling teeth, especially if writing isn’t your passion.

Creating a video or audio track, on the other hand, is as easy as pulling out your smartphone and pressing “record.”  

Not to mention, with several smart WordPress blogging plugins, it’s easier now more than ever to post your video or audio content on your blog without any hassle.

Here are some stellar video embed WordPress plugins you can check out:

And, here are the top WordPress audio players and podcasting plugins:

2. Video and audio content engage your audience for longer

Guess what the average time a visitor spends reading a blog post? Thirty-seven seconds, according to NewsCred.

While 77% of internet users regularly read blog posts, readers consume text as quickly as possible.

Stats show the opposite for video content. Users spend 88% more time on a site that contains videos, and videos that are up to 2 minutes get the most significant engagement.

But, time spent watching videos on blog posts and websites is not the only metric for engagement success. 

Research also shows that sites with videos receive more social shares than sites with only text and video. In fact, video content generates 1200% more shares than images and text combined.

The more people share your content, the higher your chances of bringing in new readers and blog subscribers — and even more people to share your content!

What about audio content? 

Can audio content boost time on site? According to Edison Research, most podcast listeners listen to content via a mobile device, but not all. As of 2018, 29% of podcast listeners still consumed audio content via their computers.

chart showing podcast listening trends by device

Even if your audience is listening via Apple Podcasts or Stitcher, there is still a case for including audio content directly in your blog posts. According to Optinmonster, audio content in blog posts also helped 45% of bloggers achieve better results.

3. Video and audio content increase inbound linking opportunities

Stats show that blog posts that incorporate video attract 3x as many inbound links as posts without video. Backlinks are very important for SEO.

Additionally, Search Engine Land touts creating audio content as a “brilliant way to build backlinks” and referral traffic to your website.

Why should bloggers even care about inbound links?

Inbound links show search engines that your blog content is relevant, trustworthy, and credible enough that other authoritative blogs want to link to your content. That’s one of the most powerful Google ranking factors.

While we are talking about inbound linking opportunities for your blog, it’s worth mentioning that posts with videos, images, and lists will attract nearly six times more inbound links than a blog post with only plain text. And, it can’t hurt to add the audio version of your content into the mix.

Ready to boost your blog video views? Read this to learn how to optimize your videos for SEO

4. Video content increases sales opportunities

Here’s the deal. Every time my children watch Kid’s YouTube, they start asking me to keep certain toys in mind for their birthday. Every time. 

Before watching YouTuber videos, my kids had no idea they absolutely had to have the latest and greatest from Ryan’s Toy Review.

As much as the frugal part of myself would like to deny it, I’m guilty of this too. I can’t tell you how many products I’ve purchased after watching a video.

Unintentional mobile shopping after watching a video is not a trend in my family alone. Stats show that consumers are 64% more likely to purchase a product after watching a video about it. 

Additionally, video content boosts buyer’s confidence. Fifty-seven percent of consumers say watching a product video makes them more confident in buying it online.

5. Video content is preferred and more memorable

Audience preference is another one of the reasons there has been a shift from text to video and recently.

Seventy-two percent of readers on the internet would rather watch videos than read text if given both options. This goes for product videos as well, considering four times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than to read about it, according to Animoto.

internet readers prefer video content to text

And, it makes sense why. Video content is more vibrant and memorable than text. Stats show that people that watch videos retain 95% of the message as compared to 10% of people reading a text. 

6. Video and audio content is accessible 

As audiences become more accommodating to people of all abilities, accessibility of content remains at the top of the mind. 

Plugins like WP Accessibility, WP Accessibility Helper, and EsAudioPlayer are being utilized more, making it possible for a broader audience to consume your valuable blog content, whether it’s text, video, or audio. These plugins make it possible to easily add closed captions to your videos.

Wrap Up

Text blog posts will always remain a valuable part of your blogging strategy, but there is a reason why bloggers are incorporating more video and audio.

It’s easier to create video and audio content, and these types of content will enhance your blog posts. You also have more opportunities to connect with your audience in various and meaningful ways when you offer more ways to digest content.

If you’re looking to start or revamp your blog, check out HostGator’s managed WordPress hosting today.

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Wednesday, 29 July 2020

7 Blogging Best Practices to Follow

The post 7 Blogging Best Practices to Follow appeared first on HostGator Blog.

Blogging is more than just writing a few words and posting them to your website. 

In practice, blogging centers around capturing the attention of your visitors through storytelling. Your stories may highlight the latest industry trends or your upcoming product launch. 

Bloggers also must consider the content layout and image selection along with search engine optimization techniques. That way, you can engage visitors and continue to boost traffic.

Here are seven blogging best practices to keep in mind when starting your blog.

1. Craft concise paragraphs

Most visitors don’t read web pages like they read a novel or magazine. Instead, when visitors land on your site, they probably scan through it—looking for answers to their specific questions. Plus, they simply don’t have the time to read every single word.

When creating your blog posts, you’ll want to use concise paragraphs and avoid big blocks of texts. Copywriter Henneke Duistermaat offers more advice: 

“You [can] eliminate excess words to create an enjoyable rhythm and a pleasurable reader experience. You allow your readers to dance through your content, feeling light and airy. You communicate your message with more clarity and strength.”

Another good tip is to use bullet points to emphasize your key points. You also can try limiting your sentences to 20-25 words for quick scanning. 

2. Use relevant keywords

Keyword research is most effective when you understand your target audience and know how they are searching for your content. For instance, long-tail keyword searches have a click-through rate of 3% to 5% higher than generic searches.

Relevant keywords may include industry topics, customer questions, or even a unique aspect of your products. When uncovering new keywords, you will notice that search volume varies greatly. In some cases, you’ll want to focus on target keywords with a low search volume because they are less competitive.

list of keywords with a variety of search volumes

A wide variety of tools exist to help you with keyword research. Check out this list to strengthen your SEO strategy. 

3. Reduce the size of your images

Images act as a support aid to give context to your words. Infographics can explain complex concepts, and photos can humanize your content beyond the random stock images. 

However, more images can cause your website to load slower. Somesh Khatkar, the co-founder of Imagekit, writes:

“If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, users are more likely to abandon it, which will drastically increase your bounce rate, and eventually affect your conversions.”

Image optimization is the process of decreasing the image file size without losing its quality.  When you reduce the size, your visitors get the content they want faster.

Luckily, it’s easier than ever to compress your images and maintain the same level of quality. Try TinyPNG to compress PNG and JPEG images or the open-source app ImageOptim.

4. Add meta descriptions for each blog post

A meta description is an HTML element that summarizes the content of a specific webpage. It appears in the search engine results along with the title of the page.

Visitors use these summaries to help them find relevant information. So much so that 43% of people click on a given result, solely based on the meta description. That’s why it’s important to create a meta description that piques the interest of potential visitors. 

Your meta description should include relevant keywords while communicating the benefits of visiting the page. Give visitors a brief insight into what they will learn. In the example below, the meta description highlights why blue flowers are fantastic and the best conditions for planting them. 

sample meta description for blog

Pro Tip: eep your meta descriptions concise. Experts recommend a length between 50-160 characters.  

5. Add internal and external hyperlinks throughout your blog

Internal and external links play an integral role in your blog’s SEO strategy. When they’re relevant to your content, these links can improve your website’s visibility and rankings on search engines. 

Internal links direct your visitors to targeted pages on your site; on the other hand, external links lead visitors to other websites. For your external links, choose authoritative sites with trustworthy material. Kali Bizzul, a senior marketing manager at Verblio, says:

“Your willingness to include valuable external links demonstrates that you care about your readers. Instead of wanting to greedily hold onto every second of their attention, you provide them with the resources they really want and need to fully explore the topic.”

You’ll also want to include clear and specific anchor text to the linking page to ensure visitors don’t get confused when they land on the next page.

6. Publish new blog posts consistently

Blogging is often referred to as a marathon because it takes consistent publishing to earn more traffic. Companies that publish more than 16 blog posts per month get nearly 3.5 times more organic traffic than those that publish 0-4 monthly.

To make blogging a habit, you’ll want to map out how long it takes you to create a blog post. For example, if it takes you 15 days, you can designate specific days to do keyword research, write the post, and source images. This strategy helps you avoid the rush to develop a quality post in a few days. 

If possible, you also may want to hire a freelancer to help you with the blogging process. Maybe the freelancer can focus on the SEO part, while you concentrate on the writing.

7. Promote your blog content

Oftentimes, bloggers publish amazing content and forget the importance of promoting it. Without an effective content distribution strategy, you’ll lose the opportunity to attract interested visitors to your website. 

Spread the word by sharing new posts with subscribers on your email list. Or you can use social media to promote your content. Will Blunt, the founder of Blogger Sidekick, provides a few tips:

“Social platforms are crowded, so there’s no guarantee interested people will see and share your content. To improve your content’s visibility, target interested people directly. Use a tool like BuzzSumo to find social media users who share content like yours.”

There’s also the option to share blog post links to members of a Slack or Facebook group. Just make sure content promotion is part of the group’s guidelines.

Cultivate Your Blogging Best Practices

Blogging is an ongoing adventure to grab your audience’s attention. From using relevant keywords to publishing on a consistent basis, you can earn more organic traffic for your website. 

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Friday, 24 July 2020

Divi vs. Elementor: Which WordPress Page Builder Is Right for Your Site?

The post Divi vs. Elementor: Which WordPress Page Builder Is Right for Your Site? appeared first on HostGator Blog.

If you’re interested in getting a website up and running and want to do it yourself, then WordPress is an excellent bet.

WordPress is the most popular content management system and powers 35.2% of all websites. WordPress also gets increasingly easier to self-navigate as the days and years progress, and there are several excellent WordPress page builder software programs that will help you through the process of building your website.

With all of the different website builders on the market, though, how is a novice to know which one is the best? Well, it depends on what you’re looking for, how much you already know about website building and your budget.

To help you make an informed decision, here is an in-depth review of two of the most popular WordPress page builders on the market, Divi vs. Elementor.

best WordPress hosting

What is Divi?

You may already know Divi as one of the most popular WordPress themes, but it’s more than that. Divi is also a website building platform that makes building a WordPress website significantly easier. Divi also includes several visual features that help you make your website more visually appealing.

divi wordpress theme page builder

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most impressive features of the Divi WordPress builder. 

Features of DIVI

Here is what you can expect feature-wise when you select Divi as your WordPress page builder.

Drag & drop building. Divi makes it easy to add, delete, and move elements around as you’re building your website. The best part is you don’t have to know how to code. All of the design is done on the front end of your site, not the back-end.

Real-time visual editing. You can design your page and see how it looks as you go. Divi provides many intuitive visual features that help you make your page look how you want it to without having to know anything technical about web design.

Custom CSS controls. If you do have custom CSS, you can combine it with Divi’s visual editing controls. If you don’t know what this means, no worries. You can stick to a theme or the drag and drop builder.

Responsive editing. You don’t have to worry about whether or not your website will be mobile responsive. It will be. Plus, you can edit how your website will look on a mobile device with Divi’s various responsive editing tools.

Robust design options. Many WordPress builders have only a few design options. Divi allows you full design control over your website.

divi wordpress page builder full design editing options

Inline text editing. All you have to do to edit your copy is click on the place where you want your text to appear and start typing.

Save multiple designs. If you’re not sure exactly how you want your website to look before you publish it, you can create multiple custom designs, save them, and decide later. You can also save your designs to use as templates for future pages. This helps your website stay consistent and speed up the website creation process.

Global elements and styles. Divi allows you to manage your design with website-wide design settings, allowing you to build a whole website, not just a page.

Easy revisions. You can quickly undo, redo, and make revisions as you design.

Pros of Divi

Why would you want to choose Divi vs. Elementor? Here are the top advantages of Divi to consider as you make your decision.

More templates. Divi has over 800 predesigned templates and they are free to use. If you don’t want to design your own website, simply pick one of the templates that best matches your style.

divi website templates

Full website packs. Not only does Divi have a wide range of pre-designed templates, but they also offer entire website packs, based on various industries and types of websites (e.g., business, e-commerce, health, beauty, services, etc.).  This makes it easy to quickly design a website that matches your needs.

In-line text editing. The in-line text editing feature is an excellent feature. All you have to do is point and click and you can edit any block of text.

Lots of content modules. Divi has over 30 customizable content modules. You can insert these modules (e.g., CTA buttons, email opt-in forms, maps, testimonials, video sliders, countdown timers, etc.) in your row and column layouts.

Creative freedom. You really have a lot of different options when it comes to designing your website. If you can learn how to use all of the various features, you’ll be able to build a nice website without having to know anything about coding.

Cons of Divi

Before you decide to hop on the Divi bandwagon, it’s essential to consider potential drawbacks. Here are the cons of the Divi WordPress website builder to help you make a more informed decision.

No pop-up builder. Unfortunately, Divi doesn’t include a pop-up builder. Pop-ups are a great way to draw attention to announcements, promotions, and a solid way to capture email subscribers. 

Too many options. While Divi has so many builder options that you can do nearly anything, some reviewers believe that all of the options are too many options. This can distract from the simplicity of use.

Learning curve. Since there are so many features with Divi, it can take some extra time to learn how to effectively use them all.

The Divi theme is basic. It’s critical to remember that the Divi theme and the Divi WordPress builder are two different things. You can use the Divi WordPress builder with any WordPress theme, including the Divi theme. However, if you opt for the Divi theme, it’s nice to know that some reviewers think the Divi theme is a bit basic. You may want to branch out and find a more suitable theme.

Glitchy with longer pages. Some reviewers also say that Divi can get glitchy when trying to build longer pages. This shouldn’t be too much of a problem if you’re only looking for a basic website.

What is Elementor?

Elementor is an all-in-one WordPress website builder solution where you can control every piece of your website design from one platform.

Like Divi, Elementor also provides a flexible and simple visual editor that makes it easy to create a gorgeous website, even if you have no design experience.

Elementor also touts their ability to help you build a website that loads faster and that you can build quickly.

Features of Elementor

You already know what Divi can do. Here is what you can expect feature-wise when you sign up with Elementor vs. Divi.

Drag and drop builder. Elementor also includes a drag and drop website builder, so you can create your website without knowing how to code. It also provides live editing so you can see how your site looks as you go. 

elementor drag and drop wordpress page builder

All design elements together. With Elementor, you don’t have to switch between various screens to design and to make changes and updates. All your content, including your header, footer, and website content, are editable from the same page.

Save and reuse elements and widgets. You can save design elements and widgets in your account and reuse them on other pages. This helps you save time and keep your pages consistent across your website.

300+ templates. Elementor has a pre-designed template for every possible website need and industry. If you don’t trust your drag and drop design skills, then simply pick one of the pre-designed templates. Of course, you can customize the theme with the drag and drop feature, but there is no need to start from scratch.

Responsive mobile editor. It’s no longer an option to have a website that isn’t mobile responsive. Elementor makes it a point to help you customize the way your website looks on a desktop and a mobile device, so you are catering to all your website visitors, not just those visiting from a desktop computer.

Pop-up builder. The use of pop-ups is a strategic way to draw attention to a promotion, an announcement, or your email list. Elementor’s pro plan helps you make pixel-perfect popups, including advanced targeting options.

elementor popup builder for wordpress

Over 90 widgets. You can choose from over 90 widgets that will help you quickly create the design elements you need to incorporate into your website. These widgets help you add things like buttons, forms, headlines, and more to your web pages.

Pros of Elementor

Here is a quick overview of the pros of the Elementor. If these advantages are important to you, Elementor may be the perfect fit for you.

Rich in features. Elementor is one of the best WordPress builders on the market and has tons of different features to help you create a quality website.

Maximum layout control. Elementor’s interface is extremely intuitive, and the design features are easy to use. You don’t have to train yourself on how to use Elementor. You just login, and start working.

Easy to use. For the most part, Elementor’s drag and drop interface is easy to use. You can choose from different premade blocks, templates, and widgets.

Finder search tool. In the event you can’t find something easily with Elementor, you can turn your attention to the search window, type in the feature or page you’re looking for, and Elementor will direct you to it.

Always growing. Elementor’s team is always working to stay ahead of the curve by pushing out new features often.

WooCommerce builder. Elementor has a nice WooCommerce Builder in their pro package. It’s easy to design your eCommerce website without having to know how to code. Widgets you can use on your product page include an add to cart button, product price, product title, product description, product image, upsells, product rating, related products, product stock, and more.

Integrations. Elementor provides various marketing integrations that most website owners use on their sites. Integrations include AWeber, Mailchimp, Drip, ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, HubSpot, Zapier, GetResponse, MailerLite, and MailPoet. WordPress plugins include WooCommerce, Yoast, ACF, Toolset, and PODS. Social integrations include Slack, Discord, Facebook SDK, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, SoundCloud, and Google Maps. Other integrations include Adobe Fonts, Google Fonts, Font Awesome 5, Font Awesome Pro, Custom Icon Libraries, and reCAPTCHA. There are also many 3rd party add-ons and you can build your own integrations.

Cons of Elementor

As with any website builder, there are advantages and disadvantages. Here are the cons of Elementor to consider when making your choice between Divi vs. Elementor.

Less templates than Divi. Elementor only has 300+ templates as opposed to Divi’s 800+. While there are fewer templates, however, they are still well-designed and will help you build a beautiful website. Some people may actually consider this an advantage, because there are fewer templates to sort through, and it doesn’t take up as much of your time to choose a template.

Outdated UI. Some reviewers say the Elementor user interface is outdated, making some features more difficult to find and use. It will be interesting to see if and how Elementor innovates its user interface in the future.

Issues with editing mode. Sometimes the website will look different when in editing mode. This can be frustrating for some users.

Margin and padding adjustability issue. When using the drag and drop builder, you can’t adjust the margin and padding, according to some reviewers.

Customer support. It can be difficult to quickly get in touch with a customer support team member and to quickly get custom solutions to your issues.

No white label. Elementor doesn’t come with a white label option.

Problems with third-party add-ons. While Elementor allows for a lot of third-party add-ons, these add-ons often cause issues.

Divi vs. Elementor: Which Will You Choose?

Regardless of which website builder you select, Divi or Elementor, you’ll need a web hosting company to park your WordPress website. 

HostGator provides a secure and affordable managed WordPress hosting plans that start at only $5.95 a month. Advantages include 2.5x the speed, advanced security, free migrations, a free domain, a free SSL certificate, and more.

Check out HostGator’s managed WordPress hosting now, and start building your WordPress website.

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Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Why Every Small Business Needs SEO (Yes, Even Yours)

The post Why Every Small Business Needs SEO (Yes, Even Yours) appeared first on HostGator Blog.

Small businesses are spending a lot more of their marketing resources on social media than on SEO, according to a recent survey of 500 U.S. small-business owners. Thirty-seven percent say social media is their most successful way to reach customers, while only 5% say that about SEO.

That’s understandable. Posting on social media is fun, easy, delivers near-instant feedback and can drive short-term results. SEO, on the other hand, isn’t flashy and can take a while to deliver results.

However, a good SEO program can grow your business in ways that social media can’t, so you need both to have a truly effective marketing program. Basic SEO isn’t especially complicated or hard to learn. And with the big shift to online shopping, SEO can make the difference between being found by new customers or losing out to more SEO-savvy competitors.

So, how do you build an SEO program for your business? Start with something you already know—your customers. 

Look at how your customers shop

To understand how and when SEO and social media help you connect with customers, it’s important to understand how your customers decide to buy the kinds of things you offer. Typically, customers move through three very general stages when they’re shopping. 

  1. Awareness: Awareness can happen in a couple of ways. One is becoming aware of an existing problem. For example, your customer’s coffee maker breaks, and they know they need another one right away. Another type of awareness is learning about an appealing product. For example, your customer sees a handbag with a picture of a vampire pug on it and they want it.
  2. Research: Even for impulse purchases, you can assume your customers are doing their homework. Way back in 2018, even before we were all spending so much time online, 88% of consumers researched purchases before buying. Research can mean seeking out the best coffeemakers with timers, or it can mean checking the reviews of an online store before buying a vampire pug handbag from them. 
  3. Purchase: Once your customer feels satisfied that they’ve got the best product, price and merchant, they’ll buy. 

Moving through these stages can happen slowly. For example, if you’re planning to buy a top-of-the-line refrigerator for your new home, you’re probably going to spend a lot of time researching different models, manufacturers and retailers. 

Or customers can move through all three stages quickly. Maybe they see a T-shirt they know their dad would love, so they do a quick check to make sure the merchant is legit and then they snap it up. Or maybe they realize they’re out of coffee beans, so they open their browser and order more before they finish breakfast.

How do your customers move through this process? If you’ve already created personas for your ideal customers, you may know already. If not, you’ll need to look at data like 

  • Where customers come from to get to your site. 
  • The keyword searches that lead to productive visits to your site. 
  • How visitors move around your site (are they reading your informative content, like buying guides?)

You can also survey your customers to find out how they prefer to shop. And once you have a clear idea, you can see where social and SEO can connect with them.

Social media for building brand awareness and driving impulse traffic

Social media is great for letting people know about your business, which means it’s important for the awareness stage of the buying process. It’s also important for building relationships that can feed into the research and purchase stages of shopping. 

When customers know about your brand and like it, they’re more likely to consider it when they’re researching a purchase. And, of course, they’re more likely to make an impulse purchase when you post flash sale info or a special offer. 

This is all good. But if you’re relying solely on social, you’re probably missing a big chunk of your potential audience—just when they’re ready to spend money.

SEO for reaching customers when they’re ready to spend 

The reason SEO reaches customers just before they open their wallets is because most people use search engines to figure out where to spend their money. Consider these figures from Google:

  • Worldwide, 74% of shoppers who buy from nearby stores said they search for in-stock products, locations and hours before they leave the house.
  • 60% of smartphone users have reached out to a business from a search results page.
  • Nearly half (49%) say they use Google to get suggestions on which products to buy. 
49% of shoppers use google to discover or find new products

Clearly, a lot of shoppers are moving directly, or nearly directly, from searching to buying. If your business isn’t showing up in their search results, you’re missing out on sales. 

The key to appearing in the searches all these customers are doing? SEO. 

Get to know the basics of SEO

SEO (search engine optimization) is a fancy way of saying you’re making it easy for people to find your business online by appearing as high as possible in search results.

The basics of SEO include:

  • Keywords: things like “best dog groomer near me” and “local wineries” are examples. Check your Google Analytics dashboard to see which keywords your customers use to find you.
  • Content: All the words and media on your site. All of it should center on keywords your customers use and have relevant tags and headings.
  • Headings: parts of your webpages and blog posts that search engines scan for information. For example, “Get to know the basics of SEO” is a level 2 header that explains to a search bot what this section is about. Use keywords to make your headings relevant.
  • URLs: At a minimum, your URLs should indicate what each page on your site is about, like “”
  • Metadata and tags: behind-the-scenes keyword labels on your content that tell search bots what’s on your site.

The best way to learn how to use these basic SEO elements is to watch our 5 Steps to SEO Success webinar.

With our Web Pros’ guidance and some free tech tools they’ll show you, you can set up or improve your Google My Business profile and boost your website’s SEO. Then you can reach more customers at more points along their shopping journey – awareness, research and purchase.

Want to start building your SEO program now? Connect with HostGator’s professional SEO services

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Tuesday, 21 July 2020

7 Smart Ways Bloggers Can Use Audio and Video Content

The post 7 Smart Ways Bloggers Can Use Audio and Video Content appeared first on HostGator Blog.

The purpose of your blog is to capture more relevant traffic from your target audience. While writing high-quality content is a surefire way to engage your audience, video and audio blogging are also trending upwards.

Video marketing is yielding such favorable results that 95% of video marketers plan to increase or maintain video spend in 2020. And, audio content is not far behind. Forty-five percent of bloggers report that audio content helps them achieve better results.

If you’re looking to hop on the video and audio content bandwagon, this post is for you.

What bloggers need to create audio and video content

Before we delve too deep into creative ways to incorporate audio and video content into your blog, let’s talk about the materials you need to create outstanding content.

If you’re going to create audio content, it’s critical that your audio works properly and sounds good. Here is a quick checklist of what you need:

  • A blogging platform that is suited for audio content distribution (e.g., WordPress)
  • A reliable web hosting service (ahem…HostGator)
  • A good microphone
  • Audio recording software
  • WordPress audio plugins

The same rules that apply to audio content apply to video content. Before you record your first video, make sure you have the following tools:

  • A video camera or a smartphone
  • Video editing software
  • A reliable web hosting service
  • A good microphone
  • A YouTube account

You don’t have to spend a million dollars on audio and video tools, but you do need to have some tools that will help you create excellent DIY audio recordings and videos.

Now that we’ve covered what you need let’s look into the top 7 ways you can use audio and video content in your blog posts.

1. Include an audio version of your blog post

If you’ve already gone to the trouble of writing a blog post, why not go the extra mile and include a recorded version of your text?

Adding an audio version of your blog posts has two main advantages. First, it makes your website accessible to people of all abilities. Second, audio recordings humanize you.

With the help of an audio recording, you become a friendly voice that people look forward to hearing. Just think how much the podcast-listening world connects to celebrity journalist voices (e.g., Ira Glass, Sarah Koenig, Ronan Farrow, etc.).

The most reliable way to add an audio file to your blog post is with an audio file WordPress plugin

2. Conduct an audio or video interview

Reaching out to industry leaders to get quotes is a smart blogging strategy. Here’s why:

  • It helps you quickly establish a relationship with influencers in your industry.
  • Leaders offer invaluable insight to your followers that they’ve learned from years of experience.
  • If you include a quote from an industry leader in your post, they are likely to share your content with their broad audience. 
  • You can add high domain authority links from these leaders’ websites to your blog.

Quotes from industry leaders help you create valuable content. But, consider this. Video content is 50% more likely to drive organic traffic than plain text.

Instead of just asking for a quote, find influencers and ask if you can interview them. If you can capture them on video, that’s awesome! If not, an audio interview is just as valuable. 

It might be difficult to get an industry leader to agree to an interview at first, but don’t give up. Once you get one person to say yes, others will follow.

3. Create a slideshow video

Another way to include video in blog posts is to turn your text content into a short slideshow.

Blog content typically follows a basic structure, including an intro, headings of your main points, subheadings that support your heading, and a conclusion. 

If you’ve outlined your blog post with a solid structure, you can quickly turn it into a slideshow.

Create one slide for your intro, a slide for each heading, and a slide for your conclusion. Then, narrate your slides with the content you’ve already written.

You can create your slideshow directly in WordPress or pick one of the top WordPress slideshow plugins to help you make a slideshow.

4. Highlight a product or service with a video

Blogging is about providing value to your readers, but that doesn’t mean you can’t feature your products and services through an explainer video.

In a short explainer video, you succinctly sum up your products and services and show your target audience how your product solves pain points.

Explainer videos also have incredibly favorable results. In fact, 97% of marketers say video has helped users understand their products and services better.

It’s worthy to note that a video coupled with professional copy can boost your results up to 28%, according to Omnicore.

5. Incorporate video tutorials or a screencast in your blog

Estimates report that 50-80% of all internet searches are informational by nature. When people want to know how to do something, they Google it. 

If you are sharing “how-to” content, consider creating a YouTube video for your blog. Why? Because 65% of the population are visual learners

When you upload a YouTube video, your audience can watch you complete a task and mimic your actions. They also have the added benefit of being able to pause and restart the video as needed. How much more effective is watching video instruction than reading through a hefty “how-to” article?

Similarly, if you offer training on how to do something on the computer, you can record, narrate, and share a screencast.

Showing your audience how to complete a function on a computer is a lot more useful than telling them how to do it.

6. Add a video summary of your blog

If it’s worth writing about something, it’s worth creating a video about it. Seriously. Ask J.K. Rowling and the Harry Potter franchise. 

After you write your blog post, create a video that quickly summarizes your main points. Remember that short videos get the most engagement because they are easy to consume. So, keep your video snappy.

7. Introduce yourself in a video

Your about page is a staple of your website. In fact, about pages are often the most visited page on any website.  

It makes sense why. About pages helps you connect with your readers. It gives your audience a chance to get to know you, learn what makes you tick and why you do what you do, and understand your background.

Your about page humanizes you.

If it’s fun for your audience to read about you, think how much they will enjoy watching a short video about you. 

Here’s a challenge. Spice up your blog’s about page with a video and see what results you get.

Wrap Up

If you’re ready to venture into the world of video and audio content creation, who you choose as your website hosting company matters. You need a website hosting company with 100% uptime and complete reliability. You need web hosting from HostGator.

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Monday, 20 July 2020

What Legal Requirements Apply to Your Small Business Website and Online Store?

The post What Legal Requirements Apply to Your Small Business Website and Online Store? appeared first on HostGator Blog.

Are you ready to set up your online store or small business website? Make sure you’re clear on the laws you’ll need to follow.

We’ve written before about the permits or licenses your business may need to operate online. In this post, we focus on website-specific legal issues.

First, our disclaimer: I’m not an attorney, and you should check in with a business lawyer if you have questions.

build your website

The Fine Print: Terms of Services

Make sure your site complies with your web host’s terms of service (TOS) and acceptable use policy. For example, HostGator’s TOS requires—among other things–that site owners be at least 18 years old and not be in a country under sanction by the US government. The acceptable use policy, meanwhile, prohibits using the service for gambling, bitcoin mining, live sporting event broadcasts, and other  heavily regulated or resource-intensive businesses.

Next, it’s time to create some fine print of your own. Display your business terms and conditions about pricing, returns, shipping, and billing so customers know what to expect. This is especially important if you’re selling products or digital goods directly from your site.

Security and Data Privacy

Your customers want to know they can trust you with their information. Data breaches can wreck your business with financial losses, lost trust, and legal penalties. And with the EU’s far-reaching General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) now in effect, even the smallest businesses need to step up their security compliance.

GDPR applies to all businesses that offer goods and services to people in the EU, no matter where those businesses are located or how many people they employ. GDPR is a huge law, but the basics for small business owners are:

  • You must have clear consent to collect consumer data. For example, you can add a GDPR-compliant cookie consent banner to your site.
  • You must delete customer data on request.
  • You need to keep customer data safe or face fines. HostGator’s SSL certificates encrypt data to and from your site, making it compliant with privacy laws and PCI-DSS security standards. HostGator’s Security and Privacy Bundle protects your website from viruses, malware, hackers, and spam by automatically scanning your website to detect and remove threats.
  • You must report serious data breaches to law enforcement within 72 hours of discovery.

Anti-Spam Laws

No one likes spam emails, and lawmakers around the world are serious about stopping it. How serious depends on the region—US anti-spam laws have looser restrictions and lower penalties than those in Canada and the EU. If your new company will do cross-border business with Canadian and European customers, or if there’s a chance you will do so in the future, your best move is to follow the strictest anti-spam protocols.

In the US

The CAN-SPAM law, which stands for Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing, only deals with business-to-consumer marketing emails. CAN-SPAM requires recipients to opt out of messages they don’t want to get, and the unsubscribe process can be a multi-step hassle. CAN-SPAM violations can result in fines of as much as $40,000 per incident. This law doesn’t clearly address marketing emails sent to US residents from outside the country.

In Canada

Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL) created an opt-in system, which means people must sign up to get your marketing emails (or texts, voicemails, and other direct marketing digital communications) unless they already have a recent business relationship with you. CASL applies to emails sent to Canadians from outside Canada. Unsubscribing must be easy and fast. CASL violations can result in fines up to $10 million.

One more potential penalty for CASL violations hasn’t taken effect yet: the right of individuals to sue companies that spam them for as much as $1 million per day. That part of the law is under review.

In the EU

GDPR covers spam, and its provisions are stricter than the US and Canadian laws. Not only does GDPR require recipients to opt in to marketing messages, there’s no implied consent by people who are already your customers. To add people, you need to make a separate, specific request, with no pre-checked boxes, and parental consent for anyone under the age of 16. GPDR fines are roughly $11 million per incident.

In Brazil

Brazil passed its own privacy law in August 2020. The law, which is called Lei Geral de Protecao de Dados (or the LGPD), is similar in scope and effect to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Like the GDPR, the LGPD requires businesses handling personal data to be accountable for collecting, using and managing that information appropriately. It also provides individuals with new rights. You can learn more about the basics of the LGPD here.

Anti-Spam Best Practices to Follow

  • For your existing list, only send marketing messages to people you’ve done business with within the past two years. 
  • For all new sign-ups, create a separate opt-in form that includes a tick box for recipients to indicate whether they’re age 16 or older.
  • Identify your business clearly in all your marketing messages.
  • Include an easy-to-use opt-out tool with every message you send.
  • Comply with opt-out requests quickly.

Your Intellectual Property

Technically speaking, you hold the copyright to the stuff you create as soon as you create it, but a copyright notice on your site is always a good idea. It accomplishes the obvious goal of letting visitors know that the content on your site belongs to you.

If you have registered trademarks for your business name, products, or services, include a trademark notice on your site. We talk about trademarks in our article on small business permits and licenses.

Your Website’s Accessibility

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that most businesses make their websites accessible for people with vision, hearing, and other impairments. The ADA requirement may not apply to your business if you’re very small or just getting started. Businesses that operate at least 20 weeks each year *and* have 15 or more full-time employees must maintain accessible web sites. “Public accommodation” businesses like transportation and hotels must also comply.

Even if you’re not required to make your website accessible, it’s a good idea, because more than 12% of Americans have some form of disability. Not only that, accessible features like larger fonts, clear contrast between fonts and backgrounds, transcripts of videos, and written descriptions of images can be useful to everyone—think about how many people watch videos with the sound off and you’ll see why captions or transcripts are a smart move. UC Berkeley has a great guide to making your site accessible.

Make Your Small Business Website Legally Compliant

Creating a compliant site takes some work, but the payoff is a safer business web site, stronger customer trust, and a lower risk of privacy and security related fines and losses later on. If you’re a HostGator customer, contact us to add the Privacy and Security Bundle to your website now.

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Fonts and Colors for the Retail, Healthcare, and Financial Industries

Have you ever realized how colors and fonts influence our lives in a positive or negative way? While sitting at a restaurant, have you ever ...